Getting Started with Apache
Wed 02 December 2015A quick introduction to Apache for the noobs.
I host this blog on a Debian VPS. So at some point I had to setup a web server, otherwise how could you be reading this blog right now?
There are many web servers around, some of the most populars being Apache, Nginx or Lighttpd, to cite only a few. I never used Apache before, so I thought it was the opportunity to fill this gap.
Installing is nothing fancy:
apt-get install apache2
Right now Apache is configured and ready to serve. If you have a look at your server through your web browser, you should see the default Apache page for Debian.
Basic Configuration
Now, let's create a new site. A basic site definition looks like that:
echo '
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /srv/www/blog-test
'> /etc/apache2/sites-available/blog-test.conf
Notice that I like to put my websites in /srv/www
On Debian, the default Apache configuration only allows serving websites
from /var/www
. To allow /srv/www
(or whatever suits you), edit the file
. Look for /srv
The configuration is already there, you just have to uncomment it.
Then, we disable the default site served by Apache, and enable our site:
a2dissite 000-default
a2ensite blog-test
systemctl restart apache2
And that's it! Now Apache serves the data from /srv/www/blog-test
So you should copy your website in this location. Then, don't forget
to change the ownership for this directory. On Debian, Apache is configured
to run as www-data
cp -r path/of/your/website/* /srv/www/blog-test
chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/www/blog-test