GoAccess 1.4, a detailed tutorial

GoAccess v1.4 was just released a few weeks ago! Let's take this chance to write a loooong tutorial. We'll go over every steps to install and operate GoAccess. This is a tutorial aimed at those who don't play sysadmin every day, and that's why it's so long, I did my best to provide thorough explanations all along, so that it's more than just a "copy-and-paste" kind of tutorial. And for those who do play sysadmin everyday: please try not to fall asleep while reading, and don't hesitate to drop me an e-mail if you spot anything inaccurate in here. Thanks!


So what's GoAccess already? GoAccess is a web log analyzer, and it allows you to visualize the traffic for your website, and get to know a bit more about your visitors: how many visitors and hits, for which pages, coming from where (geolocation, operating system, web browser...), etc... It does so by parsing the access logs from your web server, be it Apache, NGINX or whatever.

GoAccess gives you different options to display the statistics, and in this tutorial we'll focus on producing a HTML report. Meaning that you can see the statistics for your website straight in your web browser, under the form of a single HTML page.

For an example, you can have a look at the stats of my blog here: https://goaccess.arnaudr.io.

GoAccess is written in C, it has very few dependencies, it had been around for about 10 years, and it's distributed under the MIT license.


This tutorial is about installing and configuring, so I'll assume that all the commands are run as root. I won't prefix each of them with sudo.

I use the Apache web server, running on a Debian system. I don't think it matters so much for this tutorial though. If you're using NGINX it's fine, you can keep reading.

Also, I will just use the name SITE for the name of the website that we want to analyze with GoAccess. Just replace that with the real name of your site.

I also assume the following locations for your stuff:

If you have your stuff in /srv/SITE/{log,www} instead, no worries, just adjust the paths accordingly, I bet you can do it.


The latest version of GoAccess is v1.4, and it's not yet available in the Debian repositories. So for this part, you can follow the instructions from the official GoAccess download page. Install steps are explained in details, so there's nothing left for me to say :)

When this is done, let's get started with the basics.

We're talking about the latest version v1.4 here, let's make sure:

$ goaccess --version
GoAccess - 1.4.

Now let's try to create a HTML report. I assume that you already have a website up and running.

GoAccess needs to parse the access logs. These logs are optional, they might or might not be created by your web server, depending on how it's configured. Usually, these log files are named access.log, unsurprisingly.

You can check if those logs exist on your system by running this command:

find /var/log -name access.log

Another important thing to know is that these logs can be in different formats. In this tutorial we'll assume that we work with the combined log format, because it seems to be the most common default.

To check what kind of access logs your web server produces, you must look at the configuration for your site.

For an Apache web server, you should have such a line in the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/SITE.conf:

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/SITE/access.log combined

For NGINX, it's quite similar. The configuration file would be something like /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/SITE, and the line to enable access logs would be something like:

access_log /var/log/nginx/SITE/access.log

Note that NGINX writes the access logs in the combined format by default, that's why you don't see the word combined anywhere in the line above: it's implicit.

Alright, so from now on we assume that yes, you have access log files available, and yes, they are in the combined log format. If that's the case, then you can already run GoAccess and generate a report, for example for the log file /var/log/apache2/access.log

goaccess \
    --log-format COMBINED \
    --output /tmp/report.html \

It's possible to give GoAccess more than one log files to process, so if you have for example the file access.log.1 around, you can use it as well:

goaccess \
    --log-format COMBINED \
    --output /tmp/report.html \
    /var/log/apache2/access.log \

If GoAccess succeeds (and it should), you're on the right track!

All is left to do to complete this test is to have a look at the HTML report created. It's a single HTML page, so you can easily scp it to your machine, or just move it to the document root of your site, and then open it in your web browser.

Looks good? So let's move on to more interesting things.

Web server configuration

This part is very short, because in terms of configuration of the web server, there's very little to do. As I said above, the only thing you want from the web server is to create access log files. Then you want to be sure that GoAccess and your web server agree on the format for these files.

In the part above we used the combined log format, but GoAccess supports many other common log formats out of the box, and even allows you to parse custom log formats. For more details, refer to the option --log-format in the GoAccess manual page.

Another common log format is named, well, common. It even has its own Wikipedia page. But compared to combined, the common log format contains less information, it doesn't include the referrer and user-agent values, meaning that you won't have it in the GoAccess report.

So at this point you should understand that, unsurprisingly, GoAccess can only tell you about what's in the access logs, no more no less.

And that's all in term of web server configuration.

Configuration to run GoAccess unprivileged

Now we're going to create a user and group for GoAccess, so that we don't have to run it as root. The reason is that, well, for everything running unattended on your server, the less code runs as root, the better. It's good practice and common sense.

In this case, GoAccess is simply a log analyzer. So it just needs to read the logs files from your web server, and there is no need to be root for that, an unprivileged user can do the job just as well, assuming it has read permissions on /var/log/apache2 or /var/log/nginx.

The log files of the web server are usually part of the adm group (though it might depend on your distro, I'm not sure). This is something you can check easily with the following command:

ls -l /var/log | grep -e apache2 -e nginx

As a result you should get something like that:

drwxr-x--- 2 root adm 20480 Jul 22 00:00 /var/log/apache2/

And as you can see, the directory apache2 belongs to the group adm. It means that you don't need to be root to read the logs, instead any unprivileged user that belongs to the group adm can do it.

So, let's create the goaccess user, and add it to the adm group:

adduser --system --group --no-create-home goaccess
addgroup goaccess adm

And now, let's run GoAccess unprivileged, and verify that it can still read the log files:

setpriv \
    --reuid=goaccess --regid=goaccess \
    --init-groups --inh-caps=-all \
    -- \
    goaccess \
    --log-format COMBINED \
    --output /tmp/report2.html \

setpriv is the command used to drop privileges. The syntax is quite verbose, it's not super friendly for tutorials, but don't be scared and read the manual page to learn what it does.

In any case, this command should work, and at this point, it means that you have a goaccess user ready, and we'll use it to run GoAccess unprivileged.

Integration, option A - Run GoAccess once a day, from a logrotate hook

In this part we wire things together, so that GoAccess processes the log files once a day, adds the new logs to its internal database, and generates a report from all that aggregated data. The result will be a single HTML page.

Introducing logrotate

In order to do that, we'll use a logrotate hook. logrotate is a little tool that should already be installed on your server, and that runs once a day, and that is in charge of rotating the log files. "Rotating the logs" means moving access.log to access.log.1 and so on. With logrotate, a new log file is created every day, and log files that are too old are deleted. That's what prevents your logs from filling up your disk basically :)

You can check that logrotate is indeed installed and enabled with this command (assuming that your init system is systemd):

systemctl status logrotate.timer

What's interesting for us is that logrotate allows you to run scripts before and after the rotation is performed, so it's an ideal place from where to run GoAccess. In short, we want to run GoAccess just before the logs are rotated away, in the prerotate hook.

But let's do things in order. At first, we need to write a little wrapper script that will be in charge of running GoAccess with the right arguments, and that will process all of your sites.

The wrapper script

This wrapper is made to process more than one site, but if you have only one site it works just as well, of course.

So let me just drop it on you like that, and I'll explain afterward. Here's my wrapper script:


# Process log files /var/www/apache2/SITE/access.log,
# only if /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE exists.
# Create HTML reports in $1, a directory that must exist.

set -eu


fail() { echo >&2 "$@"; exit 1; }

[ $# -eq 1 ] || fail "Usage: $(basename $0) OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"


[ -d "$OUTDIR" ] || fail "'$OUTDIR' is not a directory"
[ -d "$LOGDIR" ] || fail "'$LOGDIR' is not a directory"
[ -d "$DBDIR"  ] || fail "'$DBDIR' is not a directory"

for d in $(find "$LOGDIR" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do
    site=$(basename "$d")

    if [ ! -d "$dbdir" ] || [ ! -e "$logfile" ]; then
        echo "‣ Skipping site '$site'"
        echo "‣ Processing site '$site'"

    setpriv \
        --reuid=goaccess --regid=goaccess \
        --init-groups --inh-caps=-all \
        -- \
    goaccess \
        --agent-list \
        --anonymize-ip \
        --persist \
        --restore \
        --config-file /etc/goaccess/goaccess.conf \
        --db-path "$dbdir" \
        --log-format "COMBINED" \
        --output "$outfile" \

So you'd install this script at /usr/local/bin/goaccess-wrapper for example, and make it executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/goaccess-wrapper

A few things to note:

As is, the script makes the assumption that the logs for your site are logged in a sub-directory /var/log/apache2/SITE/. If it's not the case, adjust that in the wrapper accordingly.

The name of this sub-directory is then used to find the GoAccess database directory /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE/. This directory is expected to exist, meaning that if you don't create it yourself, the wrapper won't process this particular site. It's a simple way to control which sites are processed by this GoAccess wrapper, and which sites are not.

So if you want goaccess-wrapper to process the site SITE, just create a directory with the name of this site under /var/lib/goaccess-db:

mkdir -p /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE
chown goaccess:goaccess /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE

Now let's create an output directory:

mkdir /tmp/goaccess-reports
chown goaccess:goaccess /tmp/goaccess-reports

And let's give a try to the wrapper script:

goaccess-wrapper /tmp/goaccess-reports
ls /tmp/goaccess-reports

Which should give you:


At the same time, you can check that GoAccess populated the database with a bunch of files:

ls /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE

Setting up the logrotate prerotate hook

At this point, we have the wrapper in place. Let's now add a pre-rotate hook so that goaccess-wrapper runs once a day, just before the logs are rotated away.

The logrotate config file for Apache2 is located at /etc/logrotate.d/apache2, and for NGINX it's at /etc/logrotate.d/nginx. Among the many things you'll see in this file, here's what is of interest for us:

In the config file, there is also this snippet:

    if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate ]; then \
        run-parts /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate; \
    fi; \

It indicates that scripts in the directory /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate/ will be executed before the rotation takes place. Refer to the man page run-parts(8) for more details...

Putting all of that together, it means that logs from the web server are rotated once a day, and if we want to run scripts just before the rotation, we can just drop them in the httpd-prerotate directory. Simple, right?

Let's first create this directory if it doesn't exist:

mkdir -p /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate/

And let's create a tiny script at /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate/goaccess:

exec goaccess-wrapper /tmp/goaccess-reports

Don't forget to make it executable:

chmod +x /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate/goaccess

As you can see, the only thing that this script does is to invoke the wrapper with the right argument, ie. the output directory for the HTML reports that are generated.

And that's all. Now you can just come back tomorrow, check the logs, and make sure that the hook was executed and succeeded. For example, this kind of command will tell you quickly if it worked:

journalctl | grep logrotate

Integration, option B - Run GoAccess once a day, from a systemd service

OK so we've just seen how to use a logrotate hook. One downside with that is that we have to drop privileges in the wrapper script, because logrotate runs as root, and we don't want to run GoAccess as root. Hence the rather convoluted syntax with setpriv.

Rather than embedding this kind of thing in a wrapper script, we can instead run the wrapper script from a systemd service, and define which user runs the wrapper straight in the systemd service file.

Introducing systemd niceties

So we can create a systemd service, along with a systemd timer that fires daily. We can then set the user and group that execute the script straight in the systemd service, and there's no need for setpriv anymore. It's a bit more streamlined.

We can even go a bit further, and use systemd parameterized units (also called templates), so that we have one service per site (instead of one service that process all of our sites). That will simplify the wrapper script a lot, and it also looks nicer in the logs.

With this approach however, it seems that we can't really run exactly before the logs are rotated away, like we did in the section above. But that's OK. What we'll do is that we'll run once a day, no matter the time, and we'll just make sure to process both log files access.log and access.log.1 (ie. the current logs and the logs from yesterday). This way, we're sure not to miss any line from the logs.

Note that GoAccess is smart enough to only consider newer entries from the log files, and discard entries that are already in the database. In other words, it's safe to parse the same log file more than once, GoAccess will do the right thing. For more details see "INCREMENTAL LOG PROCESSING" from man goaccess.


And here's how it all looks like.

First, a little wrapper script for GoAccess:



set -eu


for ext in log log.1; do
    [ -e "$logfile" ] && LOGFILES+=("$logfile")

if [ ${#LOGFILES[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "No log files in '$LOGDIR'"
    exit 0

goaccess \
    --agent-list \
    --anonymize-ip \
    --persist \
    --restore \
    --config-file /etc/goaccess/goaccess.conf \
    --db-path "$DBDIR" \
    --log-format "COMBINED" \
    --output "$OUTDIR/$SITE.html" \

This wrapper does very little. Actually, the only thing it does is to check for the existence of the two log files access.log and access.log.1, to be sure that we don't ask GoAccess to process a file that does not exist (GoAccess would not be happy about that).

Save this file under /usr/local/bin/goaccess-wrapper, don't forget to make it executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/goaccess-wrapper

Then, create a systemd parameterized unit file, so that we can run this wrapper as a systemd service. Save it under /etc/systemd/system/goaccess@.service:

Description=Update GoAccess report - %i

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/goaccess-wrapper \
 %i \
 /var/lib/goaccess-db/%i \
 /var/log/apache2/%i \

So, what is a systemd parameterized unit? It's a service to which you can pass an argument when you enable it. The %i in the unit definition will be replaced by this argument. In our case, the argument will be the name of the site that we want to process.

As you can see, we use the directive ConditionPathIsDirectory= extensively, so that if ever one of the required directories does not exist, the unit will just be skipped (and marked as such in the logs). It's a graceful way to fail.

We run the wrapper as the user and group goaccess, thanks to User= and Group=. We also use Nice= to give a low priority to the process.

At this point, it's already possible to test. Just make sure that you created a directory for the GoAccess database:

mkdir -p /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE
chown goaccess:goaccess /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE

Also make sure that the output directory exists:

mkdir /tmp/goaccess-reports
chown goaccess:goaccess /tmp/goaccess-reports

Then reload systemd and fire the unit to see if it works:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start goaccess@SITE.service
journalctl | tail

And that should work already.

As you can see, the argument, SITE, is passed in the systemctl start command. We just append it after the @, in the name of the unit.

Now, let's create another GoAccess service file, which sole purpose is to group all the parameterized units together, so that we can start them all in one go. Note that we don't use a systemd target for that, because ultimately we want to run it once a day, and that would not be possible with a target. So instead we use a dummy oneshot service.

So here it is, saved under /etc/systemd/system/goaccess.service:

Description=Update GoAccess reports
Requires= \
 goaccess@SITE1.service \


As you can see, we simply list the sites that we want to process in the Requires= directive. In this example we have two sites named SITE1 and SITE2.

Let's ensure that everything is still good:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start goaccess.service
journalctl | tail

Check the logs, both sites SITE1 and SITE2 should have been processed.

And finally, let's create a timer, so that systemd runs goaccess.service once a day. Save it under /etc/systemd/system/goaccess.timer.

Description=Daily update of GoAccess reports



Finally, enable the timer:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now goaccess.timer

At this point, everything should be OK. Just come back tomorrow and check the logs with something like:

journalctl | grep goaccess

Last word: if you have only one site to process, of course you can simplify, for example you can hardcode all the paths in the file goaccess.service instead of using a parameterized unit. Up to you.

Daily operations

So in this part, we assume that you have GoAccess all setup and running, once a day or so. Let's just go over a few things worth noting.

Serve your report

Up to now in this tutorial, we created the reports in /tmp/goaccess-reports, but that was just for the sake of the example. You will probably want to save your reports in a directory that is served by your web server, so that, well, you can actually look at it in your web browser, that was the point, right?

So how to do that is a bit out of scope here, and I guess that if you want to monitor your website, you already have a website, so you will have no trouble serving the GoAccess HTML report.

However there's an important detail to be aware of: GoAccess shows all the IP addresses of your visitors in the report. As long as the report is private it's OK, but if ever you make your GoAccess report public, then you should definitely invoke GoAccess with the option --anonymize-ip.

Keep an eye on the logs

In this tutorial, the reports we create, along with the GoAccess databases, will grow bigger every day, forever. It also means that the GoAccess processing time will grow a bit each day.

So maybe the first thing to do is to keep an eye on the logs, to see how long it takes to GoAccess to do its job every day. Also, maybe you'd like to keep an eye on the size of the GoAccess database with:

du -sh /var/lib/goaccess-db/SITE

If your site has few visitors, I suspect it won't be a problem though.

You could also be a bit pro-active in preventing this problem in the future, and for example you could break the reports into, say, monthly reports. Meaning that every month, you would create a new database in a new directory, and also start a new HTML report. This way you'd have monthly reports, and you make sure to limit the GoAccess processing time, by limiting the database size to a month.

This can be achieved very easily, by including something like YEAR-MONTH in the database directory, and in the HTML report. You can handle that automatically in the wrapper script, for example:

sfx=$(date +'%Y-%m')

mkdir -p $DBDIR/$sfx

goaccess \
    --db-path $DBDIR/$sfx \
    --output "$OUTDIR/$SITE-$sfx.html" \

You get the idea.

Further notes

Migration from older versions

With the --persist option, GoAccess keeps all the information from the logs in a database, so that it can re-use it later. In prior versions, GoAccess used the Tokyo Cabinet key-value store for that. However starting from v1.4, GoAccess dropped this dependency and now uses its own database format.

As a result, the previous database can't be used anymore, you will have to remove it and restart from zero. At the moment there is no way to convert the data from the old database to the new one. If you're interested, this is discussed upstream at #1783.

Another thing that changed with this new version is the name for some of the command-line options. For example, --load-from-disk was dropped in favor of --restore, and --keep-db-files became --persist. So you'll have to look at the documentation a bit, and update your script(s) accordingly.

Other ways to use GoAccess

It's also possible to do it completely differently. You could keep GoAccess running, pretty much like a daemon, with the --real-time-html option, and have it process the logs continuously, rather than calling it on a regular basis.

It's also possible to see the GoAccess report straight in the terminal, thanks to libncurses, rather than creating a HTML report.

And much more, GoAccess is packed with features.


I hope that this tutorial helped some of you folks. Feel free to drop an e-mail for comments.